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Kinshasa, St-Paul Afrique, 1978, 63 p. för praktiknära forskning. 7657 KRUPA 7657 SILVAS 7657 ERDMANN 7660 HALPERN 7660 PERAZA 7660 136783 ISCHY 136783 ISERT 136783 IVEZIC 136783 IZON 136783 JADAV 136783
1927) Ishib. Ishibashi. Ishigami, Koichi (pub. 1958) K. Ishig. Bischoff Paul Kistenfabrik Kreis Laeunburg Pommern; Bischoff Albert Erdmann Wiili (Strelnow) (AE37),Karol,Adeline (ILc). Erkstein Berta Isert Fritz (AV).
63. 3 Paul Rubens: samma öfverflöd af mythologiska och aUe- Methodisk har jeg intet Isert;. PAUL ERDMANN ISERTS. BREF. Om ska Kronans Africanſke Beſittningar P. E.Isert, riktat dem med men Redatteuren har funnit Herr ISERT hafa va dgt et J Isert, Paul Erdmann, 3ref om Guinea-kusten ooh. Caraibiske öame« I sammandrag från tyskan af J.H.O. Sthlm 1795«.
Oxford University Press published for the British Academy. 278 pages.
The Northern Red Bishop was formally named by Paul Erdmann Isert, a German botanist. Isert was a Chief Surgeon in Accra, in Danish Guinea, from 1783 to
1793, Voyages en Guinée et dans les îles Caraïbes, en Amérique [microform] / par Paul Erdman Isert Tirés de sa correspondance avec ses amis. Traduits de l'allemand Maradan Paris.
Paul Erdmann Isert: | |Paul Erdmann Isert| (1756 – 21 January 1789) was a German |botanist|. Isert was born in World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled.
His experiences in Ghana and the West Indies resolved him to end the trans Paul Erdmann Isert is the author of Voyages En Guinee Dans Les Iles Caraibes En Amerique (5.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 0 reviews), Letters on West Africa a Dr. Paul Erdmann Isert (1756-1789) was a German botanist and surgeon. Isert was born in Brandenburg, but educated in Denmark. He was the first scientist to identify the Violet Turaco, Musophaga violacea. But he is better known for starting the movement to end the slave trade in Guinea . Paul Erdmann Isert 1 Paul Erdmann Isert Af Maria Kristiansen En dansk læge på Guldkysten, Paul Erdmann Isert (1756-1789), fik stor betydning for afviklingen af slavehandlen, og især for planerne om, at plantagedrift skulle afløse slavehandlen. Isert blev født i 1756 i Brandenburg.
Paul Erdmann Isert: Neue Reise nach Guinea und den Caribäischen Inseln in Amerika in den Jahren 1783 bis 1787 nebst Nachrichten von dem Negerhandel in Afrika, Berlin und Leipzig 1790; Weblinks. Paul Erdmann Isert bei Google Books
2016-11-14 · Download Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade.
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Dr. Paul Erdmann Isert (1756-1789) was a German botanist and surgeon. Isert was born in Brandenburg, but educated in Denmark.He was the first scientist to identify the Violet Turaco, Musophaga violacea.But he is better known for starting the movement to end the slave trade in Guinea.. He was appointed Chief Surgeon to Christiansborg (Akra) in Danish Guinea, arriving there in 1783. Isert's book, in the form of twelve letters evidently written for publication, has excited interest ever since it first appeared in 1788. Though Isert's text was long ago translated into other languages, this is its first translation from the original German into English.
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Har studerat vid Elvel School. Examensår 2000. Har studerat vid Elverum Folkehøgskole. Examensår 2000. Gymnasieskola. Har gått på Paul Erdmann Isert
1793, Voyages en Guinée et dans les îles Caraïbes, en Amérique [microform] / par Paul Erdman Isert Tirés de sa correspondance avec ses amis. Traduits de l'allemand Maradan Paris. Wikipedia Citation.
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Isert’s book, in the form of 12 long letters evidently written for publication, has excited great interest ever since there publication in 1788. Written in German, not P.E. Isert’s native Danish, the work has long been regarded as a key tool in understanding Danish involvement with the West Africa trade and the establishment of a flourishing Danish West Indian colony (now the American
Elytra ad basin prothorace latiora, parum convexa, apicem versus paul- lulum "Uegjcering" < ^tkiiplni- af svaga verbet beii^a (dd) Erdmann: Im-stammame. Efter at han saa havde Isert at kjende det engelske Digt, hvori Kvinden, som er Jfr. mino Bemffirkninger hos Paul- Xn, 62. gn har vistnok sit Forbillede i Luejis Erda • Erdensohn • Erdheim • Erdinger • Erdman • Erdmann • Ergas • Erhard Iser • Iserbeck • Isermann • Isert • Isidro • Ising • Islaer • Island • Isler • Ismar Pauer • Pauker • Paul • Pauli • Pauly • Pauper • Pawel • Pawlowski Paul Erdmann Isert (1756 – 21 January 1789) was a German botanist. Isert was born in Angermünde, Brandenburg, but educated in Berlin. He was the first scientist to identify the bird Red Bishop (Euplectes orix franciscana (Isert)'.